"These stories are so full of action, humor, and fun that I almost considered incorporating such elements into my own work almost."
Henry James
"Infinitely more entertaining than my own Great Gatsby, althoughthat's not much of an achievement."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Didn't like it, no sir, whatever Bob Howard thinkshand me the booze, or better yet, that shotgun, dammit."
Ernest Hemingway
More maltreatment of other people's work, but this time it's movies. To whit:
The Terminationer---A killer robot from the future wants to ice Shiro for some reason, but has a date with destiny at an convention for overweight SF fans.
The Yellow Brick Road Warrior---Dispatched by the Grand Wizard of Australia, Shiro finds himself driving a truck full of dirt through the outback, backed up by a tin man who's really heartless, a scarecrow who's REALLY stupid, and a lion who isn't a cowardthe author's favorite Samurai cat story, even though Tomokato ain't in it much.
Seven Samurai Cats---a lot more Tomokato here. Kurosawa with felinesTomokato and his brother Shimura recruit five other samurai kitties and tangle with Mexican bandits in a lesser-known action of the Sengoku Jidai.
Alienated---Tomokato and Shiro find themselves on a badly-furnished, monster-infested starship manned by geriatric character actors dying for a chance to direct. Horrible larvae chew their way through Bill Shatner's toupeeneed I say more?
It's a Terminated Life---Henry the Angel transports Tomokato to a alternate universe where the cat's never been born, Shiro's the Malevolent God-Emperor of the universe, and Will Rogers has met someone who doesn't like him.
You will rot in Hell if you don't buy this book!