Left empty the sherry bottle On its side The effect achieved. No ties to bind as other Things that lie about:
A broken radio. An old Thread-bear shirt. A friendship not maintained. Cluttered corners of disrepair.
Things Dreams Ideas That make sense And no sense Logically or practically Held onto.
Scraped together scattered Moments of happiness or seeming Happiness from childhoods Flower-lined paths to A cold Empty street.
Everything emptied
Left on its side.
A lifetime of
Memories reduced to plastic bags in an old
Grocery cart we all push around at certain Points in our lives when no connection is Made with others who push their own carts
Filled with remnants of things that may Have had some value at one time But are now more precious than Any treasure on earth.
But we keep our distance-- You don't touch my cart I don't touch yours.
PHANTOM PAIN Here I am bleeding again Taken aback by mortal fear. Staring at faith Staged by hope. Pouring rain on visceral cage The sound of deep Calling to deep.
Repressed feelings buried by time. Epitaph reads on the forgotten grave:
"Here lies the child now grown His hopes and dreams Dashed to pieces. This is where the child died."
Walking barefoot over these coals. Crouching low To hide my eyes. Running through barren Fields of doubt.
Mystic Keeper Calling from night. Tradition calling from artificial light.
I run I hide Only to reveal. The tombstone says it all.
Fleeting glimpses of White cliffs of hope Shining on the edge of melancholy sea-- Withered-white Seeds of religious ideals.
Looking glass tricks the beholder For in it truth is not seen. What is seen is graffiti of soul Hiding the crumbling cracks of age
The threshold where Sanity meets its end.
Isolation a shining steel blade Cutting deep into the heart of hearts. Nothing lives after amputation. Depending on emotional prosthetics Phantom pain When nothing is there.
Taking the hand of trust and grace. Hope building a fortress for dreams. Set boundaries better Than no control at all.
When the mountain I am afraid to climb The ropes and tackles In abundance be.
In perfect shape My body and mind Not a weak link In the expedition.
But when the mountain I dare to climb The ropes and Tackles are tangled.
In ill shape My body and mind. Weakness as a Spell doth bind.
Hopes and dreams Of tireless youth Spend fast in The spiritually aged.
Strength the glittering Cloak of youth Fades in weakening Jaded resolve.
But in me all common Traits dissolve. The bucking steed Will neer be tamed.
Pigeon-holed the Misfortune of other souls Has not been allowed By my rebellion.
But this resolve is Not without price-- The foothills of youth Are far removed
By erosion caused by Unstable belief systems Washed away into Ambiguities Sea.
A distant mountain I sometimes see-- Distance the deceiver Of proportion.
Challenged at the foot Of the formidable sight Halfway climbing Only to slip and fall.
Does this mountain Need to be climbed? Do youthful dreams Need to be fulfilled?
When these dreams Are all you ever had You wake up falling Or climbing higher.
Driven by dreams And gifts and talents That rage like a river In the driest desert
Calling home What must go home. Holding on to what Must be fulfilled.
Obstacles that have Become landmarks Seem to fade Into obscurity
Like threats that Always remain empty. Laughing at what Used to bring tears.
I remain standing Through all these trials Not unscathed And a bit weather beaten
Halfway up another Formidable mountain Making up for lost time From a major fall.
Established landmarks removed test the fates-- Burning wind in a vacant sky. Rearranged cosmic hemispheres of mind-- Oracle of day not seen with naked eye.
The need for warmth a thing of the past-- Frigid waters the basis of new-fangled cell. Tortured derelicts kept from the naked eye-- Oracle of night hangs in days empty shell.
Dubious means to generate a sun of artificial light But a fling cannot replace a love that is shunned. But warm rays of sunlight still flow above the temporal Still hanging in defiance of the 60 cycle hum.
Regain your bearings oh heart of true light Everything in its place: oracle of day And oracle of night.
Assertion Clammed-up On the relay Second guessing The balding head Of old therapies.
The clock says It's time To nod off Greet the morn With withered fist. Rationalized fury
Trying to Replace the Pimply face Of inbred Angst baseless in Content On the tether Of just another
Addiction in a Succession Of spiritual Vices perpetuated By the nonchalant Visage of a world
Uncaring In derision From callused hands Caused by Hard work
With no Monetary avail.
Hand to mouth Foot in mouth Hand on crotch Crotch saddle sore.
What's the point Of a worn-down point? Dull but Double-edged Just to prove
The sword of Damocles Is still hanging Over the head Of thine enemies?
Who pop Their heads Up over The hedgerows Like pictures In a shooting gallery At the carnival of A battlefield distant
Filled with relics Of another Dead-end Ill-purposed war Of the worlds floating On the crest of Mine-dotted airwaves Prompting viewers To drown negativity And to salvage The positive.
A broadcast from Bipolar formats In living colour.
Double-edged Double-standards Double-dealing Double-meaning Double-minded Double jeopardy Double-trouble Double your money Doppelganger leading Double-life
All propagated in Double-time. Best Double your efforts And tune-out!