Suddenly, a loud series of honks froze everyone into a curious stare down the road. A car load of girls screeched to a halt in the middle of the street in front of the Androse house, and the driver jumped out and paraded a quick gait up the Androse driveway.
"It's the Plastic Girls!" screamed one of the guests.
"Oh shit," giggled Bo. "The phuc'kin' vacuum pump strikes again."
Michael sat Bo on the steps and blocked Glori Jean's access.
A red faced Glori Jean pushed Michael back. "Get out of my way, Michael Angelo Androse!" she ordered with one hand on her hip and a finger shaking in Michael's face. Her foot tapped and her impatient breathing symbolized her seriousness. "You can't protect him from little o' moi!"
"Go away!" demanded Michael. "How did you know Bo was here?"
All the guests watched to see what the next scene would be, and their eyes and ears glued in on the drama. The parents watched from the windows of the house and decided to let the younger generation handle this predicament. Though upset, they controlled their urges to intervene in trust that Bo and Michael could handle the situation. Kate and Jim decided to go out and lend their support.
Glori Jean's three companions, known around town as "The Plastic Girls," got out of the car and took positions behind her and their body language advertised their readiness for violence. There was Vicky Jean, a skinny, freckled faced valley girl with streaks of different colors on her two huge pony tails, wide eyes and an obvious nose and lip job. There was the big, slow moving Shelly Jean known as "Triple Nipple" because of her excessively huge breast implants which lactate during arousal and who was rarely seen without sucking on a candy bar. And there was Tula Jean, a cigar smoking addict, an erotic moving girl obsessed with stardom, sex and cosmetic surgery designed to resemble May West. Seeing her backup was in place, Glori Jean said she called the Wendle house and Bo's aunt, Mrs. Rigby, told her where Bo was. She again ordered Michael to step aside, but Michael held his stance.
Michael became furious and his voice swelled. "You and your amazon plastic warrior bitches get the hell off this property!"
"Ooos!" and "Ahhs!" blasted through the air for no one had ever seen Michael display such a strong Bo-like brazen character. Inside watching, Mr. Androse's mouth opened wide in awe of his son's never before seen strength and suggested that Michael may be turning into Bo. Mr. Wendle patted Mr. Androse on the back and chuckled in agreement. ??