Stephen Majercik
Bless my little "Dah-lings", As I often call them in jest. I don't really mean it, `Cus those I care for are the best!
They really aren't as bad As I make them out to be. Tho' many of my days are sad For they just won't listen to me!
What am I to do, Dear Lord, For I don't teach girls and boys. All I teach is arms and legs And an awful lot of noise!
I really Love my "Dah-lings" God bless them, every one. Tho' they flit about like starlings, I wouldn't give up one.
God Loves all his creations, Including adults, you see. It hasn't been to long ago Those arms and legs were me.
The least remembered of the Glorious Three, Oh, Holy Spirit, why must it be?
The Giver of Gifts - Soothing Anointer of Pain. At times Thou are held in so much disdain.
Oh, Light of Life, Oh, Strength Devine, All praise and glory be ever Thine!
Consoler of Grief. Hope of the Sinner. Wisdom of the Wise. Knowledge of the Beginner. Comforter of Despair. Understanding of the Learned. Oh, Holy Spirit, Most Generous One, All praise and glory be ever Thine!
Surely, The Risen Savior In all His regal splendor Is in our midst today.
The scene of all His children Receiving him for the first time Brings a smile to His face.
How pleased He must be in them, To see in their childish eagerness Their reaching for the promise He made.
Oh, truly a beautiful sight, Pure souls marching to Him On this First Holy Communion Day.
May we be ever reminded To remain ever as a child Living with him in every way.
Oh, Majestic Risen Savior, More glorious it can not be Than when we first received Thee.
I am but one. You are only seven, Your numbers soon to be thriced.
If my little bit Can make your task More pleasant, fruitful, easier,
Then, thanks be to God! For His pleasure I seek. May His word be carried further.
Everyone is created For a place in God's reign. The life I have led, Will it my place gain?
Or, if through some imperfection, Will I have to take a place Not of my election?
Or worse, if through some awful sin Forever should I fall, I would not see Him at all!
With my heart, I pledge, Dear Lord, With the fullness of my Love, To praise and glorify, and Thee adore. Oh, hear me in heaven above.
With my mind, I pledge, Dear Lord, To think of Thee before all others And all evil thoughts to hate and abhor, And to see the creations of The Father.
With my body, I pledge, Dear Lord, To perform good acts In Thy service. May my life's blood pour And not yield under these attacks.
With my soul, I pledge, Dear Lord, A home for your reception. I will strive to keep it clean and pure To mirror Your reflection.
The midnight dew* has fallen Upon a mortal being. With the coming of The Dawn+ Warm sunlight will it bring.
Burdened with your misery, Adding to your cares Leaves little room for pleasantry, And a heart so much to bear!
Rays of hope are shining From heaven above. Poured forth warm and cleansing By the prayers of those you Love.
Controlled all by The Master, All the earth and beyond the blue, Prays to you, "Expel, Dear Lord, All the midnight dew."
Oh, Holy Spirit, I prayed to Thee For enlightenment, that I might see. Then, I asked to serve And was granted more than I deserve.
Once again from Thee I seek, And know that I should ask it. The things I've learned that You showed to me, May I sincerely and faithfully practice.
Prayerful Plea
Lord, let me be Thy doormat, Or a rug on Thy floor. Walk on me! Wipe Thy feet on me! Then toss me in the corner!
Use me as Thou may, My Lord, But please, Dear Lord, don't ever Cast me out into the darkness Where I can see Thee never.
I thank Thee, Lord Jesus, For coming unto me. I certainly do not deserve Thee, But, Oh, how in deed, I do need Thee.
I thank Thee for all my minutes and hours Thou hast given me to spend with Thee. May those of the future be as flowers Watered by Thy Love, perfectly.
Oh, Holy Spirit, I thank Thee For all Thy wondrous gifts. Keep this beggar begging, Lest he ever forgets!
The wondrous things I've been given Are, one and all, Your deeds. To Thee I am indebted For all eternity.