When Charles returned to the condo unit and entered their kitchen, Julie nodded and pointed to the table. Beans and franks for lunch today, she announced. Theyre ready. She placed a bowel of beans and a platter of hot dogs upon the table.
Charles didnt immediately grab for any of the ingredients as most men would. He just sat starting to wonder. He was deep in thought about something and Julie wanted to know what it was?
What the matter? She asked, reaching for the bowl, helping herself and then passing the bowl to Charles. Stuck on the next chapter of your novel?
Charles still sat, not saying a word and not making an attempt to eat. He kept looking at Julie. What would be her reaction if he told her he had just finished talking to a live dolphin in the river at the pier?
Julies face showed concern at Charles quietness. Do you feel all right? She asked. Maybe that lightning did have some effect upon you, after all.
Charles shook his head and helped himself to the beans. He then lifted two franks from the platter. He looked at Julie, again. He hesitated before he started eating. He stared at Julie to see her reaction when he spoke.
I just finished mentally transmitting words to a live dolphin at the pier he said, with a grim face. He watched her face wrinkle with a question.
Are you kidding me? She asked, with her fork full of beans poised in mid air. You and I know people dont talk to a dolphin, even mentally. Why such a statement?
Charles looked at his sister. Because its true. Remember my mentioning a humming sound Ive been hearing ever since I came to in the hospital? Well, it was a dolphin sending its sound waves searching for the man who was struck by lightning. He watched Julies eyes frown and her mouth remain open as she listened to him.
Once the dolphin found me, the humming stopped, and it has stopped since then. He informed her. I know it sounds as if Im a nut for saying such a thing. I believe by the electric arc passing over me, hitting the metal container and then a smaller arc touching my left knee caused some function of my body to receive some kind of different senses which dolphins have. When the dolphin chirps and does other methods of making sounds, I can understand whats being said in English words. Then, too, I find I can mentally transmit words to the dolphin and it can understand my English wording. I know it sounds crazy, my reporting such action, but it is sincerely true.
Julie started eating, eventually, but her eating was slow. She was still going over what she had just heard. She looked at her brother.
Youre definite about what you just told me, arent you? She asked. Do you know you could probably make a fortune if you told some magazine about your outing with a dolphin? Ive read someplace a while ago that handlers of dolphins can somehow talk to them but they get used to hearing certain sounds which dolphins keep repeating. But mentally talking, thats something a lot different.
Charles finally started eating. I even found out that this dolphin; by the way whom Im calling Sandy; has a fishhook stuck in its throat. Its been there for a while. Im wondering if I could talk some doctor to look at it and see if something could be done to try removing the hook. I know I wouldnt want a hook in my throat a long time.