1000 Word Excerpt
The ledge, wet and slippery from the very recent bombardment of the powerful high tide, lay below them. They noticed a long thick piece of seaweed clinging to the rocky shelf as the waves, still high and wild in the aftermath of yesterdays storm, crashed to a point just below the rock. The seaweed slid off the ledge, to be scooped away by the current below.
It looks kind of scary with those big waves, Sandi said.
Fraidy-cat, its the same as yesterday, said Charlie. Cmon.
Katie looked fearful. I think its wilder today.
Yeah, but the tides going out, David said.
Thats true, Sandi agreed. I guess if were careful we could go down. Very cautiously, they retraced their steps of yesterday.
When all four reached the ledge, Charlie produced a flashlight. Turning it on, he flashed it into the opening in the rock and they slowly entered the cavern. Charlie swung the light around. They stood in a small dome like room. Off to the left was a narrow passageway, only wide enough for one person at a time.
Come on, lets explore, Charlie said and he began to move off down the passageway, leaving the others in darkness.
Charlie, wait, Katie called out to him. We cant see. Lets hold on to one another so we can find our way. This they did, hardly speaking, the darkness of the cave spooking them into silence. Im scared. I want to go back, Katie said after several tense minutes.
Charlie, a little uneasy himself, nevertheless would never own up to it in front of the others. Lets just go a little farther, he said. If we dont find anything by the time we count to fifty, well turn back. They began counting out loud. The sound of their own voices gave them courage.
When theyd almost reached fifty, Charlie stopped so abruptly that they stumbled against one another. He shined the flashlight all around. They were standing in a large cave, much higher than the entrance room.
Wow! David gazed at the path illuminated by the light.
Cool! Charlie said. He flashed the light into every dark corner.
Awesome! Sandi stared at the walls dripping with sea water. Katie said nothing, but simply stood in wonder.
Ocean waves had carved multiple ledges and crevices in the rock. The recent high tide had drenched the room. As they followed with their eyes the arc of the flashlight beam, they noticed the upper walls appeared dry. What a great place for pirates to hide treasure, David began poking his fingers into the crevices.
Yeah, it looks like the water never gets up that high, Charlie indicated the ledges above the high water mark with his light. They excitedly began to search all the nooks and crannies they could reach. After a half hour or more the flashlight began to flicker.
We cant stay much longer, Charlie said, or well be here in the dark. I think the batteries are going out.
Oh, lets go, timid Katie begged.
Wait. I feel something different up here. Sandi, the tallest, reached into a crevice above their heads. It doesnt seem like rock but I cant get it out. It feels kind of heavy.
Lets lift Katie up higher so she can reach it, David suggested.
Sandi and Charlie made a cradle with their hands and lifted Katie, the lightest weight of them all, while David held the flashlight. Katie fearfully felt around in the opening Sandi had indicated, and after a little prying, managed to lift the object out of its hiding place. She was lowered to the ground and the children gathered around to inspect a small metal box.
I knew it! Its pirates treasure. David hopped up and down.
Lets go outside to open it. Katie shivered, very nervous being in the cave so long and terrified the light would go out before they made it back outside.
Charlie again led the way with the light while the others followed single file behind him, clutching each others shirts to keep from separating. Gratefully they left the caves behind and returned to the ledge.
Open it, Sandi. Lets see whats in it, Charlie urged.
Sandi shook her head. The tide has turned. Its starting to come in again. I want to get off this ledge and back up on the cliff first. Grumbling good-naturedly, they agreed, and carefully climbed the stone steps once more. They sat in a circle on a large flat boulder and eagerly examined the box.
Theres a carving on the top, Sandi said. Is it a face?
Maybe its a map, Charlie said.
It could be just a design, Katie thought after studying the figure.
Well, open it, Sandi, David said impatiently. Lets see whats in it. He hopped around the others on one foot, eagerly anticipating the treasure he was sure they would discover inside.
Rusted from the salt air, the lid would not budge. Sandi passed it in turn to the others but no one could get it open, though the boys even tried cracking it against the rocks. Helplessly they sat back and began eating their picnic lunches.
Whatll we do, now? Katie asked.
We could go back to Seamens Shanty and ask Grandpa Mick to open it. David thought his Grandpa could fix or open anything.
Sandi shook her head. No, Ive been thinking. Lets keep it our secret for now. It could somehow be connected to the mystery ship, and that search that Grandpa Mick talked about. It would be fun if we could solve this mystery all by ourselves, so we need to find out some more answers before we let people know.
But weve got to get it open, Sandi, Charlie said. How else will we know if it holds a treasure or a clue? We cant do it by ourselves so well have to tell someone. He tried opening it again. Someone who wont spread the secret, but who is strong enough to get the box open.