This is a story that may seem like a fairy tale but it is truth that is hidden right under our noses. It is a story of a Lost People, the Black Man in America and other parts of the world who have no idea of their connection to one of the greatest stories in the history of Mankind. This is a story of the last of the original people who have brought a curse upon themselves for their departure from and turning their backs on the Creator of Life. I will write about the Black Tribe in America who have lost their identity, language, names and most important, our minds.
I have always wondered as a small boy, why are we as a Black Tribe treated so badly and why our lives are of less value than the white tribe. Like it or not, thats the way of Life not only in America but the whole world.
The best place to begin a story is at the beginning. Life itself is all one spiritual Connection, when this connection is broken we as a people are doomed. There is a way to get connected again but it is impossible to do with our present mindset. We are a people who like to fit in, to be one of the crowd, not to be different. In our minds we have set a standard and that is to be like the white tribe.
We as the sons and daughters of the original man are a spiritual people, the most Spiritual on the planet. We know there is a connection to a higher spirit but do not know how to get there.. 12: 7-10; Satan who have Deceived the whole world. And I Cor.4: 4; The Devil is called the God of this world.
The world do not like the truth especially when it comes from the great grand son of a slave. Many of my Black brothers and sisters who are like zombies, do not want to Know the TRUTH. They are happy with the status quo. Some of you have a problem listening to a Black person if what they are saying is not validated by the white tribe.
The world leaders and best minds have been falsely educated and not educated in Truths, this is needed to obtain the right knowledge.
Over two thousands years ago the Almighty YHWH (GOD) (Yahweh) inspired his Prophets to write down and preserved prophecies that cover a third of the instruction book, the Bible. This is called an instruction book because it teaches you the right way to live, what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat. In other words this is your basic education among other things.
The prophecies foretold of what would happen to mighty nations and all of this came True. The following great and mighty nations came and went: Babylon, Assyria, Chaldea, Persia, Greece, Rome and others.