Tools of Transformation, by Joanne Klassen
If you want to bring the best of yourself to the rest of your life, Tools of Transformation is a book youll find packed with helpful guidance, illustrations, and exercises..
This book is like a backpack filled with everything youll need for the next phase of your personal development journey. Youll be introduced to the Transformative Process? which provides dozens of easy-to-use tools for writing you way to new worlds of possibility, just five minutes at a time.
Using intention as your compass and awareness as a flashlight, youll navigate detours to claim your greatest creative treasureyour authentic voice. As you leave behind excess baggage from outdated, limiting beliefs, unlimited possibilities appear.
Joanne Klassen has brought Heartspace, her elegantly simple principles of personal and organizational transformation to thousands of people around the world since 1975.
This book will guide you, inspire you, and provide you with all the tools youll need to enter the inner world where your truths are found.
Writing is a bridge of transformation, but not always one we know how to cross. This book shows us how. ---Hal Zina Bennett, author of Write From the Heart
No matter how personal, our writing is universal and resonates profoundly. Joanne Klassens tools have been an incredible gift I gave myself. -- Pierre Guerin, Radio Producer, CBC
This is the ultimate in personal development training. It makes self-discovery, and writing, safe. Building self esteem and confidence come naturally with these tools. -- Heather Emberley, Career Counsellor, Writer, Columnist
I am in awe of this process. The tools fan an inner flame. You may come along for the personal journey and discover writing, or come for the writing and find yourself growing by leaps and bounds. Roseanne Keyes, Author of A Place on the Totem Pole
Also by Joanne Klassen
Learning to Live, Learning to Love, Jalmar Press, Rolling Hills Estates, California1985.
Pathways to Peace, The Bindery Publishing, Winnipeg, MB, Canada 1990
Trouble in Grandpas Golf Bag, Pajama Press, Winnipeg, MB Canada 2004