This book is only disguised as a business book. Although the ideas presented here can be valuable in helping you become successful in business, the purpose of the book is to present a body of ideas that have greatly influenced my life. These ideas are not for the conventional businessperson. This book was written for those individuals who are out of the mainstream of business, who dont feel comfortable in normal business situations, but still need to make money. This book was written for people like me.
The book is divided in two parts. The first part focuses on the integral ideas of personal development. The second part discusses how these ideas can be applied to specific business disciplines.
This book is different from the majority of self-help business guides. Most business books offer a series of easy to remember formulas or cookie-cutter recipes for instant business success. These books can be helpful but they do not truly take into account the diverse backgrounds, experiences and strengths and weaknesses of the non-conventional businessperson. The Conscious Executive presents a new business attitude that stresses the importance of each individual developing a philosophy in harmony with his or her own unique nature.
For the most part success in business is a result of one or more of three factors. Firstly, success often comes to those individuals possessing natural abilities or attributes such as an inclination towards risk taking combined with exceptional intuition, charismatic personality or inborn inventive skills. Unfortunately these are not traits that we all possess, nor can we develop them.
Secondly, business success may be a result of luck or accident. As you may have observed there are certain enviable people who seem to live a charmed existence where everything they touch turns to gold. These people always seem to be in the right place at the right time. For example, an individual, through happenstance, joins a company whose CEO creates a multi-million dollar venture and the fortunate individual goes along for the ride reaping the rewards.
Thirdly, are those individuals who have developed a tremendous necessity to be successful, often through circumstances not of their own choosing. These people are compelled to overcome significant obstacles like a difficult childhood, significant health problems, or financial pressures. Their response to these life obstacles triggers a powerful motivation that provides the super energy and resourcefulness needed to succeed in business. These individuals will not quit, no matter what, until they have alleviated or reduced the intense pain or discomfort they are feeling.
This is not to say that in any of the three casesnatural talent, luck or extreme necessitythe successful individual does not deserve his or her rewards. However, for many of us, none of these three conditions exists. Is there anything we can do to create a successful business career or at least to improve our chances of achieving our financial goals? This is the question we will attempt to explore in this book.
I believe there is a very specific system of ideas that, if applied, will help make us more astute businesspeople. We are not normally taught this system, although we may have stumbled upon some of the essential principles while investigating non-business disciplines. Whatever your background or business experience, however, you will find our exploration worthwhile and, I hope, enjoyable.