INTRODUCTION The uniquely presented information contained in this book is written so one can gain an understanding of "the big picture" of health improvement.
The health information is presented in 26 segments. There is one segment for each letter of the alphabet. Each segment has it own alphabetized heading letter and corresponding word that helps define the segment.
This book is written to bring you an overall understanding of what being healthy is all about, unlike some other health books.
Now, rather than reading and deciphering stacks of health books to further understand how to improve one's health, you can, instead, read this book. Health Now, can help you to save time, and allow you to gain knowledge that can help you to live an enjoyable lifestyle that leads to improved health!
Segments 1. Turn Grandeur into Reality A - Able 2. Primary Knowledge B - Basic 3. Being Alive and Remaining Vibrant C - Continue 4. Staying New D - Durable 5. Enjoying Physical Activity E - Enjoy 6. The Body's Ingredients F - Food 7. Great Essentials G - Great 8. The Entire Body H - Health 9. Monitoring Your Abilities I - Inquire 10. Proper Care J - Just 11. Efficient Circulation K - Kinetic 12. Deploying Defenses L - Lymph 13. Function and Purpose M - Manage 14. It's a Matter of Life N - Noxious 15. Recognizing Free Radicals O - Oxidant 16. Fresh and Clean P - Pure 17. Truly Revitalized Q - Quicken 18. Practicing Pleasantness R - Recognize 19. Building a Resilient Body S - Strong 20. The System T - Toxins 21. Bringing it All Together U - Unity 22. Courage to Accomplish V - Vanguard 23. Surrounding Yourself in a Healthy Lifestyle W - Will 24. Making Progress X - Exercise 25. A New Start Everyday Y - Youthfulness 26. Reaching New Heights Z - Zenith
12. Deploying Defenses
We can actively assist one of our primary body defense systems.
Our lymph fluid within our bodies does not have a pump to keep it circulating.
L is for Lymph = A clear, transparent, watery liquid that contains, body defending, white blood cells. Lymph fluid circulates throughout all the bodies systems to bathe the tissues, removing toxins and impurities from the entire body.
How do our lymph fluids circulate in our bodies?
Running parallel next to your blood vessels, throughout your entire body, is your lymphatic system's vessels.
The lymph vessels are similar to our arteries, veins and capillaries. The lymph system vessels are more porous than our veins & arteries and contain a clear fluid that finds germs, toxins and impurities. The lymph fluid then carries unwanted materials to the lymph nodes, these nodes are pea sized areas that are found at many points along the lymph systems' vessels. In these nodes, the unwanted elements are neutralized or destroyed.
Unlike our blood system, our lymph system has no pump of its own to keep its cleansing fluids in motion. Our lymph system relies mainly on muscular activity including exercise, breathing and coughing to circulate its patrolling lymph fluids. An ample amount of moisture (water) in the blood contributes to the fluidity of the lymph fluid, leading to better circulation of the lymph fluid. Massage can also promote blood and lymph circulation to an extent.
Folic acid
Brief Description
Likely Benefits
A "B" Vitamin in whole wheat, dark rye flour, green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe, apricots, pumpkins, avocados, and beans.
Help skin to look healthy. Can spark appetite when exhausted. Can prevent birth defects. Important for the division and reproduction of all body cells. May ward off graying of hair when taken with pantothenic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Help keep intestines free from parasites.
Days per week to consume supplement
Total amount in one day
Best time of day to take supplement
1 to 5
400 mcg. to 1600 mcg.
With food. With your other B complex vitamins. Take with vitamin C.
Possible Side-Effects
To avoid side-effects
Nausea. Possible skin reactions.
Take with food. Keep skin clean.
Iodine (Iodide)
Brief Description
Likely Benefits
Mineral in all seafood, sea kelp, onions, vegetables grown in iodine rich soil and also in iodized salt. Kelp supplements offer a reliable, convenient source. Available also as Potassium Iodide. Potassium iodide is the high potency form of iodine that is needed for radiation exposure protection.
Influences metabolism. Can increase energy. Can increase mental reaction speed. Can control excess weight gain by burning excess fat. Promote health of hair, nails, skin, and teeth. May help protect against some forms of radiation exposure.
Days per week to consume supplement
Total amount in one day
Best time of day to take supplement
1 to 4
225 mcg. to 120 mg.
With food. At a different time than when taking your vitamin E.
Possible Side-Effects
To avoid side-effects
May lower stomach acid levels. Can hinder the effectiveness of vitamin E.
Take after a full meal. Take vitamin E at a separate time.
Coenzyme Q10
Brief Description
Likely Benefits
Essential enzyme that assists the functioning of the liver, heart, and muscles. It helps the bodies' cells to generate energy.
Increased physical performance. Increased mental alertness. Increased ambition. Muscle increase and fat reduction.
Days per week to consume supplement
Total amount in one day
Best time of day to take supplement
1 to 2
10 mg. to 90 mg.
After breakfast or lunch.
Possible Side-Effects
To avoid side-effects
Sleeplessness. Strong heartbeat. Intense dreams.
Take after a full meal. Take supplement early in the day. Exercise with caution.
Brief Description
Likely Benefits
A plant bioflavonoid, usually from pine bark or grape seed extract. An antioxidant reported to be many times more active than both vitamin C and vitamin E.
Help keep skin healthy. Strengthen body tissues. Help keep eyes healthy.
Days per week to consume supplement
Total amount in one day
Best time of day to take supplement
1 to 3
10 mg. to 100 mg.
With food any time. Take with vitamin C.
Possible Side-Effects
To avoid side-effects
Take with plenty of water. Take with food.