Anyone reading this was an infant at one time. As unique individuals with varying abilities we learned to struggle, monitor and adjust based upon each new need as it arose. Our lives changed in an instant. When we haughtily thought that we really had a handle on it, we became stymied almost in the next instant. Perhaps this is Gods way of keeping us humble and helping us to realize there is, indeed, much we need to learn. We can never hope to even begin to comprehend our unique set of fingerprints and the vastness of our universe.
Everyone matures and moves on to adulthood. Or do we? Too many times we lose that nicety concerning infancy that which is called naivet. We can easily become victims of our environment clock watchers, status seekers, working just to make a living and gathering more material goods which we must pay for and insure.
As our focus becomes distorted by sin one often hears the expression Is that all there is? Do we take time for the needs of others? Do we cherish and love them? Do we make commitments to things that we believe and know are right for our lives? Do we surrender and permit a Higher Power to guide and direct us? Or are we on the daily expressway of life, weaving in and out of traffic, hoping that our auto will not break down or crash unexpectedly into another vehicle or possibly numerous other objects?
Some adults are totally focused. They learn at an early age how to remain focused. They know what their God-given abilities are, and that there is a blueprint for each of us. Yes, we do have free will, but undoubtedly, God already knows what our choices will be!
We define an adult as one who is mature and of legal age in a given society. Perhaps they graduate from a college or university. Perhaps not. Maybe they are in tune and make correct moral decisions based on intuitions, experiences, prayers, gut feelings, or even intangibles which are often difficult to comprehend and understand. At any rate, more often than not, their decisions are based upon past experiences remembering that the Holy Word has been with us before the early written word.
That infant within each one of us is wonderful to get a good grasp upon, - to reflect upon, and to hold onto. Should you currently possess it, cherish it dearly; nurture it; dont ever let it get away!
For those of us who have moved too far away from center stage, try to make a renewed vow and pledge to regain that innocence that you had in infancy. Observe an infant or youth of any race, color, or creed. Watch them closely and learn from them. Learn about their needs. What gives them pleasure and pain? Observe how they interact with others. How do they receive and process information? Who are they? What are they to become? Most importantly, what will their spiritual journey be like? Will they succeed or fail in life?