Once upon a time, deep in the lush green valley of Carrotville, lived a family of rabbits named the Furrtails. There was Mama and Papa Furrtail, and their two sons, Sammy and Robby. They enjoyed having their burrow next to Mr. Villman's farm. Each year Mr. Villman won the blue ribbon at the county fair for his delicious prize winning carrots. The Furrtails made sure to enjoy these blue ribbon carrots as well.
One morning in early summer, Robby Furrtail grabbed an old sack and headed out over the field to Mr. Villman's farm to gather some fresh carrots for afternoon snacking. As he hopped across the yard, his older brother Sammy went hopping after him. "Wait for me," Sammy shouted across the yard. Robby stopped and sighed, "You're always so slow, Sammy. If you want to come with me, you've got to keep up."
As the two bounded across the grass, Mrs. Furrtail's voice could be heard across the yard. "Robby, now remember dear, you keep an eye out for Sammy. He is not as wise as you."