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Once: Once (a Novel)

Lee Cuesta (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0650-0 ©2001
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 380 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Historical

When the independence movement in Chiapas, Mexico, is postponed and a deadly ambush restores the spectre of religious intolerance, Subcomandante Josefa chooses a journey that will enable her to unravel her true identity. In the process, she discovers an undercover conspiracy not only to recapture territory that once belonged to Mexico, but also to oust Mexico’s current president. More profoundly, she must face the mystical dimension of this plan, signified by a single moment in time on a digital clock. This story of epic scale provides a rare and stunning glimpse into the elements that render neighboring cultures so incompatible.

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Customer Reviews

  Wonderful and thrilling..... , 08/10/2006
Reviewer: Cosette
I am not quite done with this book but I am compelled to write this on what I have read. This story goes far into a realm of reality and fantasy. I am enthralled by the story line and cant seem to put the book down. The scope of this story is so in depth I believe I will have to read it twice to fully comprehend all it is saying. The power of this book in my eyes is unbelieveable. I as an american citizen was completely unaware of any plan to annex any part of the united states for a a new Mexico. I feel a sense of shock toward this plan but completely understand its parameters. I am very excited by this book and cant wait to finish it! Expect a full review whenever I am done!

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  What They’re Saying... , 01/08/2007
Reviewer: Multiple
A Colorado congressman — “Many thanks. Great read!” Diane — “It was timely for vacation reading. I am enjoying it and am glad for the pleasant way of catching up on that history!” Doris — “It is hard to put down after you have started it and in the next-to-the-last chapter it brought a tear to my eye. But everything came together so greatly and right up to the end it was super!!” Richard —“You must have heard this a lot already, but this is really a GREAT BOOK!!! I'm only into the 6th chapter and very much involved! The plot comes together nicely and will only 'blossom out' as it progresses, I'm sure.” Bertie — “I just wanted to tell Lee that I just now completed his book. It took me a little while to get into it, but after I did, I really did enjoy it. It was an excellent book, and I'm privileged to have read it. Thanks a lot.” Emily — “Personally, I appreciate the way you have written this book. It is refreshing and new and you did not conform to the mold of a typical religious book. It is not cheesy in any way. It seems very realistic and honest.” Linda — “I was extremely impressed. I cared about the characters, and it’s interesting. I had to keep reading to find out what happens. I’m already looking forward to your next book.”

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  Thrilling novel of complexities in Mexico , 01/11/2007
Reviewer: Indian Life
An international newspaper based in Manitoba, Canada, called Lee Cuesta's book ”a thrilling novel of the complexities in Mexico … Like a story lifted off the page of today’s newspaper.”

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