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Fateful Days

Gwen Austin (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0722-1 ©2001
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 239 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

Fateful Days, a general fiction novel, follows four main characters as they make choices and decisions in one year of their lives. The concept of fate and how it affects peoples' lives is the theme and underlying thread in Fateful Days. Samson, living in western Washington, is dealt a devastating blow that changes the focus of his life. He learns about community resources, friends, love, and his own inner strength. Devorah Zehavah, a visitor from Israel, comes into his life. Andi Lane, the central character in Gwen Austin's previous book, Twilight Manor, must make an important medical decision for herself. She takes time away from her duties as Activity Director at Twilight Manor, a nursing home in Sumter, South Carolina, and travels to the Hawaiian Islands. Upon her return, she makes that medical decision and eventually visits her step-brother. Joy Elton and Mike Boyle, landlords for and friends of Dan Samson, interact with Dan Samson and each other. The latter is often a rocky relationship. A seemingly simple kayak trip changes their lives. Fateful Days offers readers not only a peek into the lives of its characters, but takes them on a tour of the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Northwest.

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