Author, Joseph Much, retired after 47 years experience in the food business.
Much owned and operated food stores. In 1982 he retired from the food business, and sold off all his stores and assets in the food industry.
In 1935 he opened his first grocery store. It was 13 feet wide by 30 feet long. Sales were about $80.00 per week. His total cost was $300.00.
His efforts to sell only quality fresh foods made store sales grow steadily.
Ten years later, that stores sales had increased to about $7,000 per week.
He narrates on a few pages true stories about his life that read like a Horatio Alger story. He was successful in his business and other ventures in his life.
He is mechanically inclined and could fix almost anything that didnt require high tech training or special tools.
As an inventor, he sold his patented and copyrighted products to Marshall Fields, Walgreen Drug Stores, J.C. Penney, airports and many other stores in the United States.
His last invention, Much-Ado Twistbag System was created by J. Much, the founder and CEO, of Much-Ado Corporation .
Much-Ado Twistbag System is a system that can extend the life of foods without the use of expensive vacuum equipment, pumps, plastic bags or containers, and it can be done in seconds.
He narrates in detail about foods: how to shop, package, freeze, prevent spoilage, and save time and money.
Please Note:
Any kind of food you want to extend the life of, regardless of what it is, can be done with inexpensive freezer bags.
As he is retired, he has no merchandise or equipment to sell now or in the future.
Information in this printing is intended to bring you accurate information about foods and the food industry, and health information that can benefit you and your family in many ways.
How to extend the life of foods will help you save time and money.
Please note this important program is about your health, happiness and your appearance. It explains what you can do to better your life.
This program is instructive: how to control weight whether you are thin or heavier than you desire.
You dont need a trainer or equipment. All you need is a scale and tape measure to check results.
You will discover after a few weeks of dieting that you may be satisfied with much less food at meal time.
In this book are printed pages of food calorie counters and weight charts.
Weight charts show what approximate weights should be for women and men according to their height.
In charts we have seen, charts vary from each other. The differences are minor, so we say approximate weights.
To sum it up, this book contains selected information gathered on the internet from government agencies, miscellaneous reports, health and exercise clubs and what he experienced and learned operating food stores for 47 years.
It also has vast amounts of interesting information about foods and the food industry that you should know, such as preparing sandwiches for your freezer and avoiding spoilage of any lunch meats, you can just defrost in the microwave when ready to eat.
A list of many spices and the foods or meals that are best flavored with each of these specific spices, is included in this book.
Although undesirable, freezer burn does not make foods unsafe. Just cut away the burn areas before or after cooking.
Irradiation doesnt make foods radioactive.
Most produce loses some of its nutrients when harvested.
When produce is canned quickly after harvest, it can be more nutritious than fresh produce.
This book is a long lasting, year round gift for family members, friends, associates, et al. It contains selected information that may induce readers to change some of their lifestyles and start diet or exercise programs that will greatly benefit them each day of their lives.