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Eye of the Storm 2020

“I hear voices. They breathe words voicelessly into my head as though they were revealing secrets, without sound. It is as though they want to conspire with me on many different levels and dimensions.”

Out of Bounds, Whitey

Two young girls have been sexually molested; one is dead and the other left for dead and the trail leads into the Bush, a self-imposed, racially segregated area of Okinawa.


In HE the unnamed protagonist, a law student, is involved with a series of women who either loathe him, try to poison him, save his life or exploit him sexually. The first is the nanny of his ex boss’ kid. She sends him a hateful letter, enclosing a pubic hair and rubbed with pheromones. After observing a woman in a coffee shop whose breasts are ‘freaks of nature’ she leaves a briefcase and departs. He’s unsuccessful in returning it to her, but this karmic event exposes him to a bevy of dangerous and seductive paramours.

United States Army Europe: One Soldier's Story

Track the author’s transfers in 1967-1968 from base to base and job to job across West Germany. Follow the daily routines of a soldier posted to Europe during that era and discover how those experiences impacted the author’s future life.

The Third Level of Existence

The amazing account of the mystical experiences of Steve made possible by his teacher Tor. They would change his life forever. What happens next is as shocking as it is beautiful.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams