Timothy Lenox, Joey Richardson, Joshua Sanders, and Alexandria Thomas
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Joey Richardson, Joshua Sanders, Alex Thomas, and Timothy Lenox are juniors at St. Joseph Catholic School in Pine Bluff, AR. All being Arkansas natives, their home state makes a good starting point for their story. They wrote the story in their Honors American Literature class [in addition to all other coursework] to mark their place amongst the rich literary tradition they are studying. The students have aspirations towards being, respectively, a pathologist, architect, nurse, and psychiatrist.
Selected works by this author:
America: Land of the Free, Home of the Genetically Altered
Tragedy strikes Chris Stein, Rajon Ladd, Allymon West, and Zach Rex as they’re heading back to school from a field trip. It comes at the hands of a new political faction that manipulates energy, previously thought impossible. After murdering the family members of those four, the faction announces its plan to destroy all Genomes and Cells—genetically enhanced groups running the Democratic and Republican parties. Rajon, Ally, and Zach, who are Genomes, and Chris, a Cell, must overcome their hatred for each other to combat the new threat, all without revealing the existence of Genomes or Cells to normal Americans.
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Timothy Lenox, Joey Richardson, Joshua Sanders, and Alexandria Thomas