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Edward Dwyer
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Cairo, Georgia

Ed was born in western Pennsylvania and currently resides in Southwest Georgia. His career as an electrician began before graduation in nineteen eighty-five. In 1993 Ed passed the Master Electricians exam for the State of Delaware at twenty-six. He also taught for two years at a trade school in Pittsburgh, teaching others to be electricians.

Ed became a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, and A+ and Network+ Certified. He ran a successful computer service company in Florida until he sold out and retired.

Currently he is back at work as an electrician because he likes the work. He writes constantly.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A good Samaritan saves a woman being attacked and is critically wounded. The escaped attacker declares war. Which motivation is more powerful: revenge or self-preservation? read more
by Edward Dwyer ~ 0-7414-4991-9 ©2008
Price: $16.95

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