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Sandra Longmore
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Montrose, Colorado

During the 23 years that Sandra Longmore has lived in Montrose, Colorado, she and her husband Butch, have had never less than six children living with them and usually eight or ten.

Sandy grew up in central Indiana then moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan where she received a Bachelor of Education Degree from Western Michigan University. Her years of caring for foster children has earned her at least a doctorate in “parenting”. Sandra also has a degree in Graphoanalysis and has trained as an Emergency Medical Technician.

The Longmores have four natural children and have adopted six from the more than 150 children who have shared their home.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Saving the Lost Children
Sandy Longmore writes this compassionate and funny account of her years as a foster parent. This book is a must-read for foster parents, parents, partners and social workers . . . any one who works with today’s children. It is a humble look at the foster care system, what is wrong and what is right about “The System”. read more
by Sandra Longmore ~ 0-7414-1784-7 ©2003
Price: $10.95

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