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No Longer Bound

Thea A. Wilson (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6696-1 ©2011
Price: $17.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 180 pages
Category/Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Weight Loss

Jesus came to set us free! Discover how God can give you a permanent solution to weight management. You + “No Longer Bound” = Freedom!

“No Longer Bound” is a spiritually based weight management guide, written from the life-changing experience of one woman who loses over eighty pounds as a result of the spiritual truths she discovers through her personal relationship with God.
Readers are provided tools and encouraged to walk alongside the author through the pain and questions faced being overweight. Take this journey and discover the comfort; guidance; and principles the Creator of mankind provides to those who come to Him for deliverance. All designed to help you defeat the root causes of being overweight and reach your weight management goals— permanently.

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