How Cheap Can You Get?
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 107 pages
HUMOR / General
This book is an informative guide on how to become a certified cheapskate. You can save tons of money if you utilize this book and throw away your morals.
“How Cheap Can You Get?” is a useful guide for the frugal penny pincher. This book lists over 130 money-saving techniques. Some of the techniques are rude; some are crude; some are deceitful; some are humorous; and some are just plain wrong . . . but one thing they all have in common is that they all help keep your wallet thick. By reading this book, you don’t just simply learn how to become a cheapskate, but you learn how to do it in a discreet, not-so-obvious manner, which is vital if you want to successfully repeat the techniques over and over again.
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