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Choose Health

Dr. L. Scott Monk (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1863-0 ©2004
Price: $18.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 293 pages
Category/Subject: MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine

Choose Health is a comprehensive look at the natural therapies of Dr. L. Scott Monk. Choose a natural life, Choose Health!

Choose Health is a concentrated course in Complimentary Medicine, written with a common-sense approach to maintaining health and recovering from sickness. This book is essential for those new to alternative health care ideas and for those who wish to deepen their understanding. Within its pages, you will discover the philosophy and practice of Dr. L. Scott Monk, who has gained recognition for his success in treating both acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. Monk lays out in detail his successful approach for treating the whole person, not just a single sick part. He also provides practical at-home advice to help you stay healthy.

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