As the monstrous, white-washed, frame appears, I begin balking at continuing on knowing a gut-wrenching time is ahead. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
All too soon I’m there sitting in the last car and strapping in. Second thoughts are still plaguing my mind. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
It’s too late to turn back now. My spine is sinking into the seat back as the car creeps up the first steep hill. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
The cars start speeding up announcing the upcoming near vertical drop. My mind goes blank and my knuckles go white. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
My stomach rises somewhere above me. While I’m praying for God’s deliverance, all I can manage is a high pitched A-A-A-A-AH. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
Then come the turns. Right, left, and upside-down, the heart-stopping tension continues. Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
Relief finally comes at the end of the ride. I hate rollercoasters, they’re not for me. But “Daddy,” he says, “can we go again?” Clickety, clack, clickety, clack.
Think of how the world would be without factories or cars, without smog or street lamps to hide the heaven’s stars.
Remember all the vivid flowers and the forests’ lush greenery, now pushed back to the horizon by man’s concrete scenery.
Memories of the rolling hills and of amber waves of grain, have been replaced by spacious malls which make our wallets strain.
As children, we would play outside, having good, clean, wholesome fun, but now the only way to go is with drugs or a loaded gun!
And forget not the glory of America’s free-waving flag, now treated with all indignity, as no more than a rag.
Do you think this is progress, as many seem to say or is it just a speechless sign of this country’s quickening decay?
Did you ever feel like a possum standing in the middle of the road while a monstrous eighteen-wheeler bears down with its heavy load?
Completely frozen by fear and blinded by the oncoming light, you couldn’t figure out how to turn, not knowing which way was right.
Onward the monster kept rumbling so you needed to do something fast! You took some steps to the left, hoping they weren’t your last.
You’d have made it through quite safely except for the oncoming car, making you the day’s newest main course at the Road Kill Cafe and Bar!