Decodage Et Assimilation Du Code Civil Haiten De 1918/Enfantement De La Constitution America no-Haitienne
Décodage Et Assimilation Du Code Civil Haïtien De 1918 is a Civil Law Book about the Haitian Constitution of that period. I wrote this book based on my personal experience on the bench during the early sixties in the Haitian Civil Court. I examined and reviewed all the articles found in the book about the Haitian Constitution of 1918.
I also wrote this book not only for the Law students but also for anybody interested in jurisprudence and the basic principles of Law. I compared the judiciary system of France and Haiti for their similarities. I conceived a table of good and bad Constitution based on the ideas of two great thinkers: Aristotle and Solon.
My objective is to create a unique project for the new generation of Haitian children. This beautiful project is my contribution to Haiti for the loss of so many lives.
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Fritz Guichard
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Seeking A Just Resolution
Presented here is a Case Study revealing a tragic event where a few church officials, like the Pharisees of old, relied on the enslaving hypocrisy of a Legalistic Christianity.
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Charles L. Puckett
Self Help Post-Conviction Handbook
Self Help Post-Conviction Handbook provides “Secret Tools” to obtain documents, prepare post-conviction motions, habeas corpus petitions, appeals, sample form letters and motions with habeas statutes and Rules.
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Joe Allan Bounds
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Testing in the Fire Service Industry: A Handbook for Developing Balanced and Defensible Assessments
Featured Topics
- Up-to-date information on EEO testing in the fire service industry
- Identification of testing issues that will likely trigger a lawsuit
- Steps on validating tests using content and criterion-related validity
- Results from a national study which reveal the key competencies that should be measured to identify successful firefighter candidates
- Appropriate uses of test results
- Detailed description of validating a physical ability for candidates and incumbents
- Checklists to use for evaluating the validity of pre-employment and promotional selection of assessments
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Daniel A. Biddle, Stacy Bell-Pichard, MS.
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Testing in the Fire Service Industry: A Handbook for Developing Balanced and Defensible Assessments
Featured Topics
- Up-to-date information on EEO testing in the fire service industry
- Identification of testing issues that will likely trigger a lawsuit
- Steps on validating tests using content and criterion-related validity
- Results from a national study which reveal the key competencies that should be measured to identify successful firefighter candidates
- Appropriate uses of test results
- Detailed description of validating a physical ability for candidates and incumbents
- Checklists to use for evaluating the validity of pre-employment and promotional selection of assessments
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Daniel A. Biddle, Stacy Bell-Pichard, MS.
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The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic Volume I
The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic is the fundamental legal framework for business transactions and the operation of corporate vehicles in the Czech Republic. Belisarius is a company based in Central Europe, which is building a platform of high quality international language resources. This work, in translation, comprises a rare, combined work product of leading lawyers qualified in the source and target language jurisdictions, as well as established translators.
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H.J. Chapman, D. Samol, and K. Suchankova
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The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic Volume I - Hardcover
The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic is the fundamental legal framework for business transactions and the operation of corporate vehicles in the Czech Republic. Belisarius is a company based in Central Europe, which is building a platform of high quality international language resources. This work, in translation, comprises a rare, combined work product of leading lawyers qualified in the source and target language jurisdictions, as well as established translators.
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H.J. Chapman, D. Samol, and K. Suchankova
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The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic Volume II
The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic is the fundamental legal framework for business transactions and the operation of corporate vehicles in the Czech Republic. Belisarius is a company based in Central Europe, which is building a platform of high quality international language resources. This work, in translation, comprises a rare, combined work product of leading lawyers qualified in the source and target language jurisdictions, as well as established translators.
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H.J. Chapman, D. Samol, and K. Suchankova
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The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic Volume II - Hardcover
The Commercial Code of the Czech Republic is the fundamental legal framework for business transactions and the operation of corporate vehicles in the Czech Republic. Belisarius is a company based in Central Europe, which is building a platform of high quality international language resources. This work, in translation, comprises a rare, combined work product of leading lawyers qualified in the source and target language jurisdictions, as well as established translators.
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H.J. Chapman, D. Samol, and K. Suchankova
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The First Tea Party President
At 89, I am convinced that my generation has inexcusably left the world to our children, grandchildren, etc., in such terrible condition that it will take several tremendous changes to make it possible bring the mess back to a positive direction that can turn things around and correct the results of our errors.
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Paul D. Dunstan
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The Post-Conviction Citebook
The Post-Conviction Citebook is primarily a research reference book with favorable case law on almost any subject in the field of post-conviction remedies. The contents has been designed to assist the individual user in finding favorable case law by topic and in chronological order as a criminal proceeding may unfold.
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Joe Allan Bounds
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